Apple Computer Bloggers
Checando mi mail me encuentro con este mensaje:
Dear blog author:
We recently came across your site,, while searching for bloggers who blog about Apple Computer issues.
A small group of us have started a new site called Apple Computer. Our intent is to bring Apple Computer bloggers closer together, and make a positive contribution to the Internet community.
Would you be interested in joining Apple Computer? Please take a few minutes to have a look at what we are trying to do, and if you are interested, there is a sign up page to get the ball rolling. We would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavour.
If you do not feel that your blog would be a good fit for Apple Computer, but enjoy this subject area, come visit us and one of our member bloggers. You can also check our FAQ Section to learn more about Apple Computer.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on Apple Computer.
Craig Cantin
Apple Computer
Solo puedo decir que me agrada bastante la idea, no obstante que no soy propietario de una Mac, si soy admirador de su hardware y software, veremos que resulta de este experimento.
PD. Si quieren unirse a esa comunidad blogera de Apple denle click aqui
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